в Эванстоне отменят запрет на владение пистолетами

Поздравляю жителей Эванстона :bayan:


Following the lead of at least two other Chicago suburbs, the City of Evanston has repealed its handgun ban in the wake of the June U.S. Supreme Court decision that ruled blanket prohibitions of handguns in the home for self-defense violated 2nd Amendment rights.

City Council members said Tuesday they voted to change the law to avoid the expense of fighting a lawsuit recently brought by the National Rifle Association against the North Shore city. The pro-gun lobby also filed suits against Morton Grove, Oak Park and Chicago. The 7-1 Evanston vote means the city will not be joining Chicago in its fight to keep the handgun ban.

“I find the Supreme Court decision repugnant,” Evanston Ald. Steve Bernstein (4th) said. “[But] this city was facing hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal expenses. We’ll be better off getting [the ordinance] off the books.”

Вот блин, куда же теперь - выбрасывать что ли? Или переезжать ? :lol:

Теперь надо срочно бежать и покупать, а то выберут демократа и фик потом что купишь :slight_smile:

Скажите, как обстоят дела с оружием (в частности с пистолетами) для простых смертных в Иллинойсе и Висконсине?