Техас и Сев.Дакота лидируют в создании новых рабочих мест

По данным Бюро трудовой статистики (Bureau of Labor Statistics), за последние четыре года (с января 2008 года по январь 2012 года) Техас добавил наибольшее в стране количество новых рабочих мест на частных предприятиях. В процентном отношении на первом месте оказалась Северная Дакота (14,3%), что неудивительно, учитывая бурное развитие нефтеперерабатывающей промышленности в этом малонаселенном штате.

Всего четыре штата достигли предрецессионных цифр в этой области. Кроме Техаса и Северной Дакоты, Луизиана и Аляска выбрались из трясины, но только в частном секторе. Хуже всего дела обстоят в Калифорнии и Неваде.


Texas and North Dakota have weathered the recession in better fashion than any other state.
Texas has posted the nation’s largest gain in private-sector employment during the past four years, adding 139,800 jobs, while North Dakota has registered the biggest improvement in percentage terms, up 14.3 percent.

On Numbers analyzed the latest data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics , matching private-sector employment levels from January 2012 against the same month in 2008. The comparison is especially relevant because the recession officially began in December 2007, just one month before the start of the study period.
Texas and North Dakota are rarities. They’re among only four states (and the District of Columbia) that managed to recover all private-sector jobs that were lost during the recession – and actually add new ones. Louisiana and Alaska are the others.

Forty-six states are still in the hole. The worst in raw terms is California, which had 855,200 fewer private-sector jobs in January 2012 than in January 2008. Nevada is dead last on the percentage list, down 12.7 percent in four years.
The following database contains state-by-state breakdowns, with separate ranks for raw and percentage changes in private-sector employment. All figures have been seasonally adjusted.

The chart shows that 19 states are currently at least 100,000 private-sector jobs below their 2008 totals.
Florida, with a loss of 578,900 jobs, is the runner-up to California on the deficit list. Then come Illinois (down 291,200 private-sector jobs), Ohio (down 266,300) and North Carolina (down 231,700).