US Finance jobs without US degree

First off, I want to say that I deliberately force myself to write in English. It’s not because I want to show off and play American guy - I just really feel that at this stage of immigration I need to practice my English as often as I can.

Now back to business. This summer I’ve graduated with B.S. in Finance from an unknown university overseas. My GPA is decent and the classes I took were more or less relevant, but what I came to learn is that it’s still the weakest part of my resume. I would sincerely appreciate, if someone could give an idea of where I stand with my profile and maybe point me in a direction where my education is not a deal-breaker. Initially, I was looking towards jobs in equity research and asset management, but those are too few and far between and competition for them is fierce. Therefore, I decided to switch my focus to corporate finance, credit analysis, risk management and IB back/middle-office jobs, but I have only little idea of what market for those jobs is, so some input would be helpful.

My resume can be looked up here (ignore formatting).

Thanks for your attention and I’m sorry for being too wordy.

Привет, я работаю в кредитном риске.
Если тебя интересует такая работа, к резюме стоит добавить хотя бы начальные знания SAS и Basel, это очень поможет.
Опять же, для выпускника ищущего первую работу изучить начала SAS и почитать про основы Basel (PD, EAD, LGD) можно самому.

Не забывайте об артиклях во время практики. :wink:

Thanks for you advice. I can see how studying basics of Basel might help, but do I really have a chance to gain any marketable skills in SAS in such short time-frame? I was thinking about teaching myself SAS a couple of times, but I got an impression that it’s so vast that it would take years to achieve noticeable results.

Aside from that, I’m curious, how would you assess today’s intensity of competition for jobs in credit risk?

I have found that they have a few chapters on Basel in FRM books. I’ll start reading them now. Again, thanks for the input.