Практикуемся в английском

Прочитала тему и так живенько всплыло в памяти начало моего изучения английского =0. Это было много лет назад, с самого нуля, и был это 2-х месячный курс интенсивного изучения языка, Игнатовой, если не ошибаюсь. Методика - сила :strong:. Но очень зависит от преподавателя, т.к. нагрузка очень большая, и чтобы все работало нужно держать группу в ежовых рукавицах.

Так вот я о чем:
Учу я язык много лет регулярно, последние четыре года регулярно-постоянно, и подведя итог могу сказать, что львиная доля словарного запаса была получена в те первые 2 месяца, причем в голове сидит очень прочно, вбито намертво.

По поводу заучивания отдельных слов - это бездарная трата времени ИМХО. Лучше из ЭТИХ же слов самим составить осмысленные фразы (что будет трудно, но полезно) или попросить кого-то, кто немного знает язык. У него это не займет много времени. Учить будет намнооооого легче, и времени уйдет на то же кол-во слов в разы меньше. :slight_smile:

6 лайков

Would you like to hold a small 15-20 minutes daily discussions in english on this forum, to get more people involved in the daily training ? :slight_smile:

:slight_smile: With pleasure.

Please, start a topic right now :), and don’t forget (as we have multiply newbies (including myself)) to force yourself to speak in full sentences as much as possible.

:ok: To Abappy I dont have any problem with hull sentences. Also I see your irony (even in english) but it is difficult to suppose the reason for it. May be my post isnt appropriate within the topic " Изучение английского в гордом одиночестве". Im really sorry if my post offends your perception of the topic. :blush: Also I mean (naive, isnt it ?) forums are started just to attract as many people with different opinion as possible.=0
At last, I thought I can participate in this topic because I have studied english all alone during for a good while.
Sorry, once more, if background of my english is not in the right place. :scratch_one-s_head:

1 лайк

May be we will start separate topic and will be speak(write) there about diferent themes on English? Those people why know English well, could correct newbies mistakes and give us advice?

Although I, personally, was never introduced to the hull sentences family, I’m glad that you have no problem with them :lang:

(looking around) … who is my “irony in english” ? Please elaborate.

Please, don’t be so concentrated on reasons for my “irony in english”. It will find it own reasons, whoever it is. I think the phrase “suppose the reason” has no meaning in english/american language and shall not be used in general.

Your post was appropriate and most welcomed, but DISCUSSIONS in English are neither appropriate nor welcomed in this topis - they are obvious subject for separate topic or set of such topics.
@ moderators - please assist .

My perception of the topic asked me to inform you that it’s not offended at all and that it was hardly able to understand how it could be possible.

Your mean is right. And I concur that new topics are started to attract even more people with different opinion, than old topic had attracted :clapping:

Be careful, under normal circumstances no one who says either
“have studied english all alone” or “during for a good while” is allowed to participate in my topics.
Those who says first phrase aren’t allowed because

  1. They don’t quite grasp english as a language
  2. They pretend that they don’t learn english any longer, which is one of worst mistakes that ever could be made by anyone.

And those who said “during for a good while” are usually using automated translators, and hence aren’t really worthy opponents :blush:

In my turn, please accept my apologizes, but could you elaborate - where exactly you put background part of your english, and why ?

To Abappy

Вам не кажется, что вы выбрали не то место и не того оппонента для демонстрации своего прекрасного английского?

To Sveta63

No good deed goes unpunished…

1 лайк

Мне не кажется (к сожалению), я точно знаю, что у меня весьма средний английский которому ещё совершенствоваться и совершенствоваться, ну а с тем, что топик не для дискуссий - совершенно согласен, о чём тут и говорю уже не первое сообщение :slight_smile:

This means that life is unfair and people can do or try to do good things and still end up in a lot of trouble.

(c) http://www.usingenglish.com/reference/idioms/no+good+deed+goes+unpunished.html

С чем я совершенно согласен. Вот только почему именно “To Sveta” … топик вроде-как мой :lol::lol::lol:

Personally, I would very much appreciate it if we stuck to the thread’s subject. It was originally intended to be about ways of learning English on your own and it’d be sad to see it turn into another flame thread.

1 лайк

First of all we gotta decide whether we’re going to speak American English or original version of it which is Britain. Abappy’s English is half/half, although I think it tends to be more proper which is Britain.
Since most of us leave in US and not England, I’d stick to American version but of course it’s all up to you.

Hi Andy,

from my point of view we shouldn’t oversimplify things and use version of language from “IM or street”. 100% of people understand you well, if you’re saying “have to or got to”, but all wanna gotta etc. are not obvious to the same amount of people, so they shoulda be dropped :slight_smile:

I have to disagree, in real life it’s not the way it is. Everybody understands “wanna”, “gotta”, there is nothing wrong with it. Of course, unless you work for the government or in some prestigious company where you have to wear suits and ties or you’re a writer you might want to use proper language, other than that casual (or street if you will) is what you need.
When I just came to States I was talking like that (words like therefore, more over, shall etc), my co-workers were making fun of me saying that I have to teach them how to speak in proper (literature) language. Yes, everyone understood me but it sounded rather wrong even though it was right.
My opinion is that you WANT to simplify it when you talk to other people. Why would you want to make your life harder trying to talk like Shakespeare?

1 лайк

Andy, I agree with you that everyone need to know how to use those words, I argue about the sequence of learning. First you need to learn proper variant of the language, and only after that you should learn the rest.

Did any of those jokes harm you in any way ? Or perhaps your language even was a source of some respect ? :slight_smile:

Maybe. There is no reason in keeping it complex. But there is obvious reason in being able to do it “if needed”.

Oh c’mon … you wish.

Shall I compare thee to a Summer’s day?
Thou art more lovely and more temperate …

No, definitely did not harm me. They were just joking as they were my friends. Something like “his language is funny, I should start talking like that too, would you teach me? :)”

To be honest, for 5 years I’ve been living in US, I’ve never had a chance to use the “right” language… or let me put it this way - I was never required and even never “needed” to talk differently, not the way I do now.

that’s funny :slight_smile:

In any case, let’s just drop it as it can go on and on and let’s just listen what others have to say in this topic.

That’s exactly what I expected. It means that any approach is possible and neither one will harm “young user” :).

Andy. - life is really different for every one of us, I have a huge need to be able to speak much more formal language than my current 50/50 and it’s extremely difficult to achieve :slight_smile:

We shouldn’t drop anything, as any discussion on any topic is welcome here, but I agree to stop for a while to allow somebody who is shy enought for direct interference to step in :slight_smile:

NB. Sorry for all the typos and spelling errors :slight_smile:

I wonder if it’s true and native speakers would say like this.=0
Mb it’s not so important in USA (I dunno), but I suppose if u had to use “right” language it’d sound like :
“I’ve been living in US for 5 years and I’ve never had a chance to use the “right” language…” =)
Correct me if I’m wrong.

As Andy said - american english isn’t strict at all. So

“for five years [that] I’ve been living in [the] US[A]” sounds good enough for everyone :), but you are right, and your version looks better

Oh. Thanx. U’ve just taken off that huge millstone that I’ve been hanging round my neck for years. I mean now I don’t doubt that I’ll be understood by natives :slight_smile: But the little feeling that my words will be heard by them sometimes like in russian we hear from such funny guyz like “Ровшан и Джамшут” still remains… :smiley:

from my point of view we shouldn’t oversimplify things and use version of language from “IM or street”.

It’s not an IM or street language, as you call it. Those words are actually pretty standard in the US nowadays, unless it’s written English. Hell, I’ve seen Obama use “gonna” quite often in his oral speech.