Enlisting с Optional Practical Training

Знающие проконсультируйте пожалуйста…

Если я поступлю в комьюнити коллежд, чтобы получить двухлетнее обучение, можно ли будет записаться в армию?

Seven ways International Students can get Green Card in the USA.

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There are some career fields in high demand by the military, like nurses, doctors, psychologists e.t.c. and an international student who has been in the US for about two years may be eligible to join even if they don’t have a green card.

If you have finished college and got your Optional Practical Training (OPT) work permit, this gives you the right to work for anyone in the US for one year, which theoretically means you can also work for the Military. The best way to find out is to speak with a military recruiter about these eligibility criteria. Military recruiters can be found in every college in the US. They are always looking for recruits and will be very happy to help you out. If one recruiter gives you discouraging news, talk to another recruiter from another Military branch. He or she may have different ideas.

Even if you get into the Military, you must hire a lawyer to pursue your green card application because it will not happen automatically

Допустим, в Manchester Community College я буду изучать психологию и затем, с OPT, я пойду в армию. Возможно ли так получить грин карту?

Мой товарищ так сделал, 2 года в местном колледже и по окончании сразу в Армию, MAVNI называется программа.
Только гринкарту там не дадут, сразу паспорт.