NEED-BLIND Colleges & Universities

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Need-blind, need-Aware admission and guaranteeing to meet full need

In need-blind admission, applicants are evaluated without regard to their ability to pay. However, need-blind admission does not necessarily mean that the financial need of an admitted student will be met. Only a handful of schools in the U.S. guarantee to meet 100% of the demonstrated financial need of all admitted students. All students applying for financial aid must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Many colleges and universities, particularly those who provide financial assistance beyond federal and state aid from their budgets or endowments, require additional forms from applicants. International students have additional forms to complete before they can enroll, including a statement of finances required by the U.S. government.

думаю, с [international student] такое не прокатит, если только у того студента не 10 пядей во лбу, и колледж сам захочет за него заплатить. Потому что, даже если его примут без доказательства денег, но денег не дадут, то консульство все равно не даст ему визу из-за того, что ему нечем платить.
С резидентом - кто знает.

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да вроде терять нечего…