Travel Document стр 21 US Incoming Tax

Получили документы в посольстве в Москве. Решили почитать, что внутри. С 21й по 24ю страницы виписки из законов и правил. Привожу стр21

Information on Income Tax Laws for Holders of This Travel Document

UNITED STATES INCOME TAX Section 6851(d) of Title 26; United States Code, provides as follows: “No alien shall depart from the United States unless or she first procures from the Secretary or his delegate a certificate that he or she has complied with all the obligations imposed upon him or her by the income tax laws.” It is suggested that you call or communicate with your local office of the District Director of Internal Revenue, United States Treasury Department, for information concerning such a certificate. This should be done within 30 days of the date of your proposed departure from the United Stales.

An alien who has actually established lawful residence in the United,States after having obtained permanent resident status, and who is considering the filing of a nonresident alien tax return or the non-filing of tax return because he or she is a nonresident allien, should consider carefully the consequences under the immigration and naturalization laws if he or she does so. By taking such action, the alien may be regarded as having abandoned his or her residence in the United States and as having lost his or her immigrant status under our nation’s immigration laws. As a consequence, he or she may be ineligible for a visa or other document for which lawful permanent resident aliens are eligible. He or she may also be inadmissible to the United States if seeking admission as a returning resident, and may become ineligible for naturalization on she basis of his or her original entry or adjustment as an immigrant.

Первый абзац напряг. Так как мы получили документ после 30 дней, как выехали, нам не понятно как такой сертификат от налоговой получить. Если кто уже проходил такой путь, посоветуйте как можно сделать без поездки, онлайн. И нужен ли он, если мы были в США всего 2 месяца, в которые подали на reentry permit, сняи отпечатки, заплатили за доки и уехали, а в РФ получили travel document?