В США по J-1 а потом в Канаду??

Привет. Сейас нахожусь в Америке J-1 Work&Travel. Хочу сменить статус на F-1 поступившы на курси. Вопрос такой: можно ли будет поехать в Канаду не покидая США по учебной визе если я онлайн поступлю туда учится в какое то заведение или по какой то другой визе???

а как можно поехать в Канаду, не покидая США?

Зделать себе клона:)

Mne toje vopros ponravilsya

я имею в виду не покидая США в смысле чтобы не ехать з США на Украину и открывать визу в Канаду з Украины…как можна сделать так???7

mojno, mojno 8)

Most students/scholars may travel as a tourist to Canada (and Mexico and the islands near the U.S. except for Cuba) and return to the U.S. with an expired U.S. entry visa, as long as the time abroad is less than 30 days. This is a convenient benefit, called “automatic visa revalidation.” However, please be aware that the U.S. Department of State has eliminated this benefit for some foreigners, effective April 1, 2002. Any student/scholar who applies for a U.S. visa in Canada, Mexico, or adjacent islands is no longer eligible for the “automatic revalidation” benefit. Also, citizens of Iraq, Iran, Syria, Libya, Sudan, North Korea, and Cuba are no longer eligible for this benefit.

And also all F-1 and J-1 visa holders must have their I-20’s or DS-2019’s signed by an ISSO advisor in order to re-enter the U.S. We generally recommend that you have your I-20 or DS-2019 signed the semester you are traveling; however, if you are from a country that requires you to have a Canadian entry visa, the Canadian government requires that your signature for travel must be less than three months old and the signature must be obtained prior to your Canadian visa application.
Please bring your I-20 to the ISSO at least two working days before your departure date. Two working days is necessary for I-20 and DS-2019 endorsements because the process requires a considerable amount of staff time, especially during busy periods when many TU international students are traveling at the same time (such as at the end of each semester and prior to vacation periods). In order to endorse your I-20 or DS-2019, we must certify the following information:
:diamonds: that your academic progress (G.P.A.) is satisfactory;
:diamonds: that you have been a full-time student;
:diamonds: that you are in legal F-1 or J-1 status; and
:diamonds: that you have met your financial obligations to Towson University.
Your request for endorsement may be delayed or denied in any of the following cases:
:diamonds: if you have a hold flag on your University account because of a financial or other obligation to the university;
:diamonds: if you are registered as a part-time student without ISSO approval;
:diamonds: if you are on academic warning or suspension; or
:diamonds: if the completion date in item 5 of your I-20 has expired.
If any of the above situations applies to you, see an ISSO advisor. You may need to submit additional financial documentation from your sponsor and obtain a new I-20 for re-entry.

1 лайк

а где первоисточник информации…можно ссылочку??

iceboy, как Ваши успехи в преодолении границы? :slight_smile:

я еще не поступил в коледж чтобы статус поменять на F-1, интересовалса в нескольких институтах, в одном говорили что ето все просто надо чтобы виза была не експаер и надо больше чем 4 ооо$ на счету. В другом сказали что смена статуса ето очень сложная процедура, чтобы поменяли они рекомендуют иметь счету в банке 18 ооо$,.Правда что иммиграционная служба провиряэт сколько у тебе на счету денег в банке???

Могут попросить справку из банка.