Touro University International

Кто-нибудь из военнослужаших брал курсы в етом университете? Он сейчас TUI University называется. Вопрос: насколко етот университет авторитетен и стоит ли там учится?

я учусь. Аккредитация нормальная. Очень неплохо.

1 лайк

а цены какие?

для военных/ветеранов/их жен скидка 25 процентов.
По моему 180 бэчелорс, 250 мастер и 400 докторал.
однако сходите и уточните…

180 тысяч??

$180/hr. i.e. $720 for a class

for Master’s Degree $250/hr, i.e. $1000 for a class

for vladimir555: I’m halfway through my Master’s in IT management. I just had some doubts about it’s accreditation. By the way, did you reenlist or became civilian? Thanks.

I reenlisted and became civilian :slight_smile: Regional accreditation is a highest level of “simple" accreditation, another word “general”. I think they somehow made it up (in boundaries of law, of course); however, it is not an issue for me. In MBA and LAW school rules are different. I was accepted for my current position based on my tuiu master’s degree.

You mean GS employee or something else? I’m confused.